Subject: Stealth, Social, IN-Content & Errors: Monetize it ALL


building a nice blog, filling it with great content and ranking it in Google - that’s actually the easy part...

Most people fail to make any money from all their effort though!

either because they don’t know how or because they’ve never had the right tools

Some blogs and niches are easier to monetize than others

but now you can monetize your site in even the most obscure niches and content, just watch the demo video to see exactly how -

#1: Ad Bar - Grab ‘Em By The Eye-Balls

The prime real estate on every blog is at the very top

and people will always notice error messages and notifications that something was blocked

More importantly they won’t expect these notifications to be ads and their guard will be down

Header Bar mimics a pop up blocker notification bar to literally force people to click on your ads

#2: Theme Ads - The Ultimate In Content Click Magnets

Instantly add up to 5 different ad widgets on any WordPress site and quickly choose where, when and how many to show

Use these to add Google Adwords, Amazon ads or banners to your blogs.

#3: Pop Up Messenger - Social Conversion On Steroids

This fantastic tool allows you to easily add messenger ads that mimic real Skype, Facebook and WhatsApp notifications and messages

They are guaranteed to grab attention and compel people to interact and you can use these to send traffic to any link you want...

including affiliate links!

#4: Pop Under - Silent But Deadly

These are unobtrusive, stealth ads that will catch people when they least expect an ad

You can add any link you want and when your visitors click on anything on your blog our plugin will open up that link BEHIND their current browser window.

Important - The plugin is on a limited offer summer sale!

Click the link now to watch the demo video:

Find Out MORE

Kind regards,

John Merrick & Matt Garrett +

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