Subject: Start Getting Laser Targeted YT Traffic in Minutes [See Demo]


Video ads are the most profitable ways to generate money online -

They're far cheaper than FB or Google ads, AND YouTube is a MASSIVE source of highly targeted leads, if you know how to tap in to it properly...

the problem of course is that finding these videos manually out of the thousands of videos on YouTube is more than a bit time-consuming!

or at least it was, until this amazing YT research and targeting app came along...

By entering a specific keyword, this app shows you tons of relevant, targeted videos that you can place your ads on.

That’s not all

the software also tracks the conversions for each video - this helps to eliminate the use of Google analytics thereby making tracking less complicated for you.

By making use of 1st party tracking cookies (unlike Google that uses 3rd party tracking cookies), the tracking results are more accurate and reliable.

You can get these monetized YouTube videos in minutes and start getting laser targeted traffic immediately!

Quick Summary:

 - Unbeatable video search

 - Unmatched video preview

 - Outstanding video breakdown

 - 1st party ad tracking

 - Support for all languages

 - Advanced search options

 - Excellent saving function for your lists

 - No installation required, and

 - Fully mobile responsive

You can see it in action here:

Find Out MORE

Kind regards,

John Merrick & Matt Garrett [previously]

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