Subject: Split Test Monkey - Under New Management...


my name is Matt Garrett, and along with my business partner John Merrick, we run

and yes, we have taken over from the team @ Promote Labs

The whole story is a bit long for an email, so I've popped a full blog post up for you here:

In it I cover:

 - What Happened & Why

 - Who We Are

 - The Plan Going Forward

 - What Happens To You

 - How You Can Get Involved/Help

 - How To Get In Touch

Note: there's also some new links you should be aware of which I've listed on the blog, including the FAQ page, the tutorial videos and demo video pages, and the NEW SUPPORT Desk URL

please feel free to hit reply to this email to let me know what you think, any feedback you have, or even just to say Hi! :-)

This email is NOT the support email, please use for support, but hitting reply will get to me.

thanks for your time,

and let's make Split Test Monkey even better together!

Find Out MORE

Kind regards,

John Merrick & Matt Garrett +

How To Get In Touch:

Email: Hit Reply To This Email
