Subject: Scoop up more free traffic


Traffic 'Scooping', it's like sniping but you get mass traffic -

this new app gives you the exact same tactic used by big brands and media like PCmag (one of the biggest media in the tech & computer industry), HubSpot, even Gucci use it.

It’s NOT another “ninja” marketing tactic or any other marketing shenanigans.

It's a Scoop

yup, Scoops are the most shared content on the Internet, getting shared MILLIONS of times every single day.

so they not only work for engaging with the target audiences but can also generate MASS traffic.

and this new app makes it an incredibly simple process to tap in to scoops for YOUR offers!

Click the link to see it in action now:

Find Out MORE

Kind regards,

John Merrick & Matt Garrett +

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