Subject: SEO for affiliate links...


If you want free traffic from Google then you have to play by their rules

and that now includes how your affiliate links are formatted

they just rolled out a Spam Link update that means all your affiliate links need the "Rel="sponsored" tag added

it's basically SEO for your links... :-O

and they mean ALL your links, including all your old links in existing content

I was facing the same problem, with LOTS of blogs, and YEARS worth of content!

So I came up with a plugin to fix them all for me automatically -

and it really is a super simple, 3 step process:

#1: Install the plugin

#2: Click a couple of settings

#3: & Update...

Job Done!

now you can do the same

just grab my plugin now and I'll throw in COMMERCIAL RIGHTS, so you can install it on as many of your own sites, AND your clients sites as you want!

Click The Link Now:

Find out more

Kind regards,

John Merrick & Matt Garrett [previously]

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