Subject: Run your Flippin Business from your mobile with this 1 app


big retail stores get products in bulk and they often end up with excess that they then discount heavily to clear out

sometimes these same items can be selling for a LOT more online...

here's a mobile app that let's you scan the barcode on the item to see if that's the case

and then let's you list it there and the, creating the listing for you!

it really couldn't be simpler to have your own business in your pocket...

With 1 click of a button the app checks a database of 252 million records - extracts the product name, library image + description & if you have your Ebay, Etsy or Woocommerce accounts connected - it will make a for sale listing ready for you to post

it also lets you post your for sale listings to social media in 1 click...

job done, get on with the shopping... :-D

NOTE: The early bird discount offer is about to end on this!

Click the link below to take a look now:

Find out more

Kind regards,

John Merrick & Matt Garrett [previously]

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