Subject: Playing with the numbers...


in online business knowing your numbers puts you way ahead of the curve, AND your competitors...

so imagine being able to map out your complete funnel in minutes

and then plug in ALL the numbers - prices, conversions, traffic costs

and then TWEAK THEM to see what happens without having to run live (paid) traffic!

Not only can you change the numbers of every element of your funnel to see how it effects your profits (and what you can pay for traffic)

you can also add extra upsells, or change an offer to a recurring payment

AND LOTS More...

you get to test everything out in the design stage to get it exactly how you want it...

BEFORE you build it!

Now imagine using this same tool to design funnels for clients and giving them the model as a pdf illustration of what you can do for them - Sale Done!!

This is how you build funnels for yourself OR your clients without taking a gamble - you test & tweak FIRST...

Clink the link to see this in action now:

Find out more

Kind regards,

John Merrick & Matt Garrett [previously]

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