Does your link cloaker do what it's supposed to?
Most have more than one of these problems:
- not protecting links from affiliate networks that are 'unapproved' by big social sites
- ugly shortened links that don't create visitor trust
- redirected cloaked links flagged & blocked by social networks
- sending traffic to dead or expired offers/pages
- no meta data on social sites – the lack of descriptions & images reduces trust & clicks
- which is why most link cloakers cost you between 10% and 30% in lost commissions, without you every realising it...
it's another one of those dirty little secrets that stops you getting the real success you deserve!
so here's how you can fix it today, and you can do so in just minutes!
The brand new 'Smart Links' cloaker plugin for WordPress takes care of these problems for you in one go!
It let's you track which of your links are getting clicks...
AND where those clicks are coming from, so you know what's actually working!
You can even embed your tracking pixel for retargetting!
Smart Links is the quickest way of boosting your affiliate commissions right now...