Subject: PLR: This is a VERY different niche...


here's an unusual one for the weekend, a niche that I've not come across before...

but the numbers are there in google, check leatherworking guide and tools, there's a LOT of searches!

and it's a $200 Billion (with a B) a year industry...

so here's some top quality Leatherworking PLR that you can use to get in on this and branch out from the usual stuff

Quick Summary:

 - 10 Premium Leatherworking Content Pieces With A Minimum of 1,500 Words

 - PowerPoint & Word ‘Template’ Files Included

 - Beautifully Designed PDF Versions Of The Articles

 - Image Links Included For Each Article

 - 10 Beautifully Designed Carousel Posts

 - Bonus: 3,000-word ‘Beginner’s Guide To Leatherworking’

click the link now to take a look:

Find out more

Kind regards,

John Merrick & Matt Garrett [previously]

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