Subject: Make More with EVERY page you have...


do you split test?

you know you should right?

If you have any kind of web page or site then it's like free money...

ANY improvement to your conversions puts more money straight in to your pocket...

ANY improvement to optins puts more leads on your list, and more money in your pocket...

you get the idea, it's the perfect example of a 'no brainer'!

so why don't more people do it?

simple - because it sounds complicate...

but it's really not when you use Split Test Monkey -

This is exactly why I've use Split Test Monkey for every launch I run

AND why we've BOUGHT IT OUTRIGHT to add to our WP Toolkit Suite...

We have plans for updates & changes to the software, which will help us to take it to a Monthly Recurring subscription

Before we do that, we're giving people one last chance to get grand fathered in on the One Time Payment option...

FOR YOU - and as an existing customer/subscriber of mine you get a very limited discount option before we go live with the public offer next Tuesday...

I do have an ulterior motive here - I'd like to get more feedback, reviews and suggestions for new features and improvements for the new version

so we've maxed out the discount to the lowest it has, or ever will be, as a 'bribe' to get you to give us that feedback...

Note: this offer will only be valid until the end of Sunday 13th Feb when we will close it down, permanently!

Click the link NOW:

Find out more

Kind regards,

John Merrick & Matt Garrett [previously]

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