Subject: Make Google Core Web Vitals work FOR you...


Google told us it was coming over 6 months ago, have you done your prep?!?

AHrefs, Moz, Backlinko, SearchEngineJournal, SearchEngineWatch all agree, the new Google Core Web Vitals update [May 2021] means that your Page Speed is now more important than ever for ranking your sites...

It's a simple equation - The faster your site loads, the better the user experience, the more Google will like your pages, getting you more free targeted traffic.

Get this wrong and you can kiss all that free traffic from Google bye-bye!

Like it or not you have to make your sites load faster or your competitors will get the traffic...

Here's the WordPress Plugin that will give you the biggest speed boost straight out of the gate -

Find out more

Kind regards,

John Merrick & Matt Garrett [previously]

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