Subject: Major lawsuits hitting website owners…


Have you seen this new wave of lawsuits hitting website owners?

Over 10,000 business owners were sued in 2020 because their websites do not have 'accessibility features' for people with disabilities among other things...

This problem is hitting the local scene like a freight train, and there are no affordable solutions for small mom and pop business owners.

until Now - My friend Luther and I have put together a full presentation on these lawsuits that you can watch here -

The good news: Adding accessibility features to a website is as easy as installing a WordPress plugin, and local business owners are lining up to pay $1,000 to anyone who can help them do it.

Without these features, businesses are looking at $20,000 - $200,000 settlement payments over the next two years.

There is a massive opportunity right now, helping these businesses avoid a lawsuit.

Top consultants are booking 3-4 clients per day, offering accessibility solutions to the biz owners who are the highest risk.

Watch this presentation now for a full walk-through on these new laws, the software that can prevent a lawsuit, and how to approach the business owners that need it:

This is important information for anyone with a website, be sure to pass it along to anyone this presentation can help.

Find out more

Kind regards,

John Merrick & Matt Garrett [previously]

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