Subject: LocalBiz Reseller Kit - Google My Business v4


need something to sell to local clients?

or a product that will draw in buyer leads for you?

Here's your Google My Business Resellers Kit -

this is brand new and bang up to date!

Quick Summary:

 - How to use GMB for local marketing & SEO

 - GMB Latest features and updates

 - How to Improve Your GMB Ranking

 - How to set up GMB Account

 - How to add Keywords to GMB Profile

 - How to use them GMB Insights & Analytics

 - How to create GMB Posts traffic

 - GMB Practitioner Listings

 - Biggest GMB mistakes to avoid AND Fix

 - Create & editing Google Knowledge Panel

 - Using Google Reviews

What You Get:

Module 1: Pro Training guide

Module 2: Pro Graphics

Module 3: Animated banners

Module 4: High Converting Sales Copy

Module 5: Mini-sites

Module 6: Customer Sales video

Module 7: Legal Pages

Module 8: Social Media Graphics

Module 9: PDF graphics

Module 10: Email Swipes

Fast Action BONUS #1: Cheat-Sheet

Fast Action BONUS #2: Mind-Map

Fast Action BONUS #3: Top Resources

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Kind regards,

John Merrick & Matt Garrett [previously]

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