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Online Reviews & FTC Rules


Note: This Offer Ends Tonight

The FTC recently fined Fashion Nova $4.2Million for withholding negative reviews on their web site aka "Review Gating"

In reality, asking for reviews only from happy customers, or only displaying reviews above a certain rating, can hurt more than it helps...

Having no negative reviews at all is an obvious "too good to be true" red flag to most potential customers

it's better to include those negative reviews and then respond to them, showing you have done your best to solve whatever the problem was

This builds more genuine authority for the good reviews you have!

AND negative reviews can also help reduce customers who are a bad fit because the offer/product/service doesn't actually do what they think it does or are looking for...

in other words - avoid problem customers!

and Vice versa, this can also help conversions when people see that the issue isn't relevant to them.

Then there's the golden nugget of a negative review that then has a positive follow up from the customer because their problem has been handled correctly!

All of this goes to show why understanding 'Reputation Management' and being able to handle that correctly for a local business is a high value service that can generate serious recurring income for your agency

The problem is the platforms that provide this as a service all charge monthly recurring fees, with restrictive limits on locations and/or numbers...

The Power Online Reviews plugin and Agency Dashboard allows you to do the same for a one off investment at a fraction of the cost -

and it makes it easy to help your client stay compliant to the FTC rules!

Watch the demo video here before it's gone:

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Kind regards,

John Merrick & Matt Garrett +

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