Subject: Just one bad review can kill sales...

GOOD reviews for your clients = You Get Paid


any local agency owner will tell you, getting customer feedback can be a struggle

so making sure it's positive is essential

But how can you do that ethically, without breaking any rules?

By asking for MORE feedback, MORE often!

It's no secret that happy customers are less likely to leave a review than unhappy customers

The best way to re-balance this is to ask for feedback whenever there is a chance to do so

AND to create a safe environment for collecting those reviews and feedback, without breaking any rules

The Power Online Review Plugin let's you do exactly that -

It gives the local business owner an opportunity to get in front of any negative feedback

AND to make sure positive feedback gets posted where it counts most!

You can offer all this as a service through the central client control panel, managing it all for them from one place.

Watch the demo video here:

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Kind regards,

John Merrick & Matt Garrett +

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