Urgent Update - We’ve pushed the Simple Funnel Systems Launch back to Tuesday 23rd March -
We will be releasing MAT1: Marketing + Affiliate Training Founder Members Offer instead tomorrow, Wed 17th Feb @11am -
Note: You don’t need to re-apply for your affiliate link if you already have it, the same link will now work for this new offer.
What happened?
Quite simply, we weren't 100% happy with the front end offer for Simple Funnel Systems!
We had a lengthy meeting earlier today reviewing what we've put together for Simple Funnel Systems and came to the conclusion it's not up to our usual standard, so we've decided to push this offer back to March so we can double down on the content and make it the kind of quality that our customers expect and deserve!
It may only be a $12 product, but we both want to always overdeliver and SFS wasn't there, yet...
So What's happening tomorrow?
Last month we setup a private offer for our premium monthly members "Inner Circle" membership and have been testing the conversions and are ready to release this to the public, so we're pulling that launch forward to Tomorrow (Wed 17th)
Note #1: we've swapped out the product in WarriorPlus, so you don't need to reapply for your affiliate links, the link you got for Simple Funnel Systems will now work for MAT1 Marketing + Affiliate Training
AND NOTE #2: This is a low cost recurring monthly membership for ongoing commissions!