Subject: It all started with his mum...


This Offer Ends Tonight -

10 years ago some 'douche bag' hacker decided to have a bit of fun and hack Matt's mum's site...

This wasn't some high traffic, authority blog...

It was an empty blog he'd set up for his mum and she'd never used, it literally just had the "Welcome World" default post, and zero traffic...

This reprobate still felt it was worth hacking!

Since then Matt's been on a bit of a personal crusade to make sure none of his blogs are hacked again, ever!

He spent months researching and testing WP Security to find out what really works...

and even though he has LOTS of niche WordPress sites, since then not a single one has been hacked!

He then released his process as Blog Defender and with over 7,500 customers since the first version was first released, not a single customer has reported having a blog hacked after using Blog Defender...

He's just released the latest version, fully updated for 2022, which now even more training on optimization, speed, and security, as well as bonus Local Agency Tools!

Note: the special launch offer ENDS Tonight!

Watch the video here to find out more:

Find out more

Kind regards,

John Merrick & Matt Garrett [previously]

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