Subject: IMWB JV's: 48 Hour Countdown Timer In Place...


The countdown timer is in place, we're coming in to the closing 48 hours, and the scarcity will push up conversions to give you even more commissions!

have you used the new swipe email yet? It's worked well for us: 

everything else is on the JV Page and Google Doc:

remember, this plugin has to to be the quickest & easiest way to monetize any niche blog using the 600+ million products on Amazon, including old/existing content...

With 1.3 million (on average) products being added every day Amazon is THE best way to monetize ANY Niche...

and with Covert Context it's never been easier to monetize ANY content on ANY Blog!

We've got over $1,000 in JV Prize cash up for grabs - you can check the live JV Leaderboard page here -

Please get in touch ASAP if you need anything!

What Is Covert Context?

Covert Context is a WordPress plugin that automatically generates contextual, in-text Amazon ads on any blog and rakes in Amazon affiliate commissions on complete auto pilot.

The ads open up when you hover over the highlighted text, immediately grabbing people’s attention with highly relevant and targeted offers.

Quick Summary:
  • Super easy "set & forget" configuration
  • Works with all Amazon regions
  • Select exactly which keywords you want to use for ads (the plugin randomly picks from your list)
  • Assign groups of keywords to specific Amazon categories (create unlimited campaigns like this)
  • The plugin is self-optimizing and will gradually start using the best converting keywords more

Upcoming Launches *For Your Diary*:

16-Jul-19 Tue | IM Launch Kit W+
30-Jul-19 Tue | Covert Action Bar: W+
12-Aug-19 Mon | Easy Pro Webinars W+
28-Aug-19 Wed | Blog Link Magic: W+
10-Sep-19 Tue | WP Simulator: W+
24-Sep-19 Tue | WP Toolkit - Niche Blog Tools: W+
10-Oct-19 Thu | Azon Helper: W+
29-Oct-19 Tue | Blog Defender 2020/Local: W+
12-Nov-19 Tue | WP Toolkit - Ultimate Content: W+
10-Dec-19 Tue | Easy Pro SEO: W+

Other Notes:

Do you have a list that are interested in PPC related offers?

If so feel free to get in touch, I ran a promo for an PPC Software App last month that got pretty amazing results for my lists who AREN'T interested in PPC... :-O

The IM Wealth Builders Team

JV Tools & Evergreen Offers:

Upcoming Launches *For Your Diary*:

16-Jul-19 Tue | IM Launch Kit W+
30-Jul-19 Tue | Covert Action Bar: W+
12-Aug-19 Mon | Easy Pro Webinars W+
28-Aug-19 Wed | Blog Link Magic: W+
10-Sep-19 Tue | WP Simulator: W+
24-Sep-19 Tue | WP Toolkit - Niche Blog Tools: W+
10-Oct-19 Thu | Azon Helper: W+
29-Oct-19 Tue | Blog Defender 2020/Local: W+
12-Nov-19 Tue | WP Toolkit - Ultimate Content: W+
10-Dec-19 Tue | Easy Pro SEO: W+

How To Get In Touch:

GDPR & legal stuff:


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25 Asprou Potamou Villa 6, 8560, Peyia, Cyprus
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