Subject: How to eat your Elephant...


Elephants are no strangers to being used as a metaphor.

'The pink elephant in the room'.

'He has the memory of elephant'.

There is also the story of the blind men and the elephant.

However, perhaps the best known elephant metaphor is:

“How do you eat an elephant?”

The answer?

“One bite at a time.”

It sounds silly.

Maybe you’ve heard it before, maybe you haven’t.

But as silly as it may seem, the lesson is powerful.

It doesn’t matter how big the task ahead of you is, if you take it one small step at a time, anything is possible.

As the famous Chinese proverb states:

“A thousand mile journey begins with one small step.”

You may be thinking - okay, what’s with all the metaphors?

Well, right now it may feel as if you have a “product creation/launch elephant” standing before you.

Maybe you need to get your first product created.

Maybe just need to get it launched and bringing in sales for you.

Either way, the task can seem too big and intimidating to accomplish.

Just like standing in front of a real life elephant.

But I’m here to tell you it’s not.

Creating and launching your first product is not an impossible task.

It doesn’t have to be intimidating.

And it doesn’t have to as painful as eating an elephant.

My partner Matt, has taken this “one bite at a time” psychology and applied it to the process of creating and launching products.

He's created, managed and launched over 65 products with partners and clients.

You see, his personal, on-to-one mentoring will help you get your product launched and selling in “bite-sized” chunks.

He has developed his own proven, step-by-step formulas to take you along the path of least resistance.

You can see some feedback from people he's worked with on the page here: -

So what are you waiting for?

Take your first bite out of the (having your own) product elephant today and get on the path to a real online digital product business today.

The first bite may be the hardest bite to take.

But it’s also the most important one.

To take your first bite right now, click the link below:

NOTE: There are ONLY 4 spots up for grabs

- due to the personal, one-to-one time investment involved there really are limited places available!

Find out more

Kind regards,

John Merrick & Matt Garrett [previously]

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