Subject: How to build an affiliate income online starting from scratch today...


Getting your start in online marketing isn’t easy.

Results are slow, and it’s a constant grind without any assurance you are going to make it.

This is why most newcomers struggle - they give up, and move onto something else.

Success comes down to having a working system to follow and keeping at it
and having the patience to trust the results will come...

so it really comes down to knowing the system you are following DOES WORK

Here's what you should be looking for, imho:

 - Information from someone who’s close to your level - not some out of touch millionaire

 - An actual case study where the course methods were used - without a real life demo it’s all just theory!

 - Testimonials from more experienced marketers, who back-up what the course is saying

 - Free methods and software to help newcomers speed up their results

Now what if you could get all these things, for the same price as a pizza..? 

That’s exactly what The Newbie Affiliate Playbook is all about.

This brand new course and case study shows the exact methods a total newbie marketer used to CRASH the affiliate leaderboards on one of the biggest launches of the year so far.

He did this with:
  • A small list
  • No ads
  • No reputation
  • And not much experience
If you’ve wanted to start running affiliate promos, or want to take your promos to 5 figures every time (like the course creator) then you will be hard-pressed to find better value than the Newbie Affiliate Playbook!

The course is taken from the viewpoints of BOTH a newbie marketer, as well as two experienced product creators.

They validate the methods used, as well as showing you their own method of how they built their list to over 600k using a Free METHOD

The best part about this is that the course methods can be used by total marketing newbies, as well as veterans who want to add a zero to their bottom line.

Did I tell you it also comes with a suite of SaaS software, downloads and high-ticket webinars to promote?

If you’re looking to build a profitable online business during the lockdown period, or simply want to take your affiliate campaigns to the next level then don’t hesitate!

The Newbie Affiliate Playbook is the ONE course you will need this year:
Kind regards,
John Merrick & Matt Garrett [previously]

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