Subject: How Big is the RSI SEO BackEnd Infrastructure?


Reminder - The Webinar Replay is only up for the next couple of days

AND the discount coupon "MattG20" is about to expire -

so we had another question sent in -

How Big is the RSI SEO BackEnd Infrastructure?

it's a great question

But it's not all about the size, it's also about the delivery

Building Real links that get you ranked.

An RSI run you do today will continue building for weeks or months.

In terms of links created being discovered by g00gle B0t, we all know about Link Velocity...

Too much, too fast and it sets of triggers in the spam algorithm!

You're never going to rank for competitive terms over night...

Well, that's not exactly true, you can pull off a first page listing for a very competitive term

But it won't be there for long

AND if it's on an established domain, you are probably going to get that domain flagged as hostile for the rest of its existence, which obviously we want to avoid!

Particularly if it's a client's site.

So, again, how big is it?

It's big and will take time for all those links to be discovered & indexed, and that IS BY DESIGN.

Note - I'm going to be doing some case studies using RSI myself and you'll get access to these as a bonus!

Learn more here while the training webinar is still up -

Find Out MORE

Kind regards,

John Merrick & Matt Garrett +

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