Subject: GutenChief 1 unopens


here's how you can "keep it stupidly simple" for adding conversion tools to your blog pages and posts -

This plugin works with Gutenberg, so you don't need any extra page builder app to get amazing looking conversion tools...

Quick Summary:

 - Product Score Block

 - Review Rating Box

 - Event Notification Block

 - Progress Bar

 - Stylish Slider

 - Content [+] Toggle

 - Product Box

 - Promotion Box

 - Info Highlight Box

 - Number Counter

 - Stylish Tab

 - Countdown Timer

 - Comparison Block

 - Bullet List

 - Numbered Heading

 - Stylish Title

 - Comparison Table

 - Video Box

 - How To Block

 - Accordion / Faq Box

 - Product Listing

and best of all it's on a holiday special discount offer for the next few days!

Click the link to take a look now:

Find out more

Kind regards,

John Merrick & Matt Garrett [previously]

How To Get In Touch:

Email: Hit Reply To This Email
