Subject: Good Things Take Time, But Great Things...


“Good things take time, but great things happen all at once.”

That quote comes from the movie Rat Race.

A ridiculous comedy where a bunch of normal people compete to find a bag full of money.

And as silly as that movie is, the quote stands true.

You see, good things do take time.

You must work at them.

Build them.

But then suddenly as if by some sudden force of nature, those good things turn into great things.

And it happens faster than you can imagine.

Seemingly “all at once.”

Imagine yourself trying to push a boulder off a hill.

You push and strain.

You get tired but you keep pushing and the boulder barely seems to moving at all.

You nudge it one inch.

Then another inch.

Until suddenly...

It rolls down the hill at a blistering pace.

Taking out the obstacles in its way.

The momentum that YOU gave it from pushing makes it a near impossible force to stop.

Your first successful product launch works on the same principle as the boulder.

(Except without the sweating and pushing, and a lot less hard work)

All you have to do is take one small action towards your launch each day.

You may not see any changes in your income right away, but you keep doing that “one small action” until...


Your product is live and pulling in Sales!!

Then you keep going, and BOOM again - More affiliates come on board and you make more sales...

You see, getting your first successful launch isn't a gradual process.

You won’t see any difference to your income, until it's actually out there.

It's the process, those action steps you take, that gets you there.

However, if you're not sure what the important steps to take are...

Or are struggling to get the steps completed...

Then that "Boom" launch that starts putting real income in your hands may never get here!

You need help from someone who understands this

Someone who's been through it themselves

And my partner Matt fits the bill, he's helped me and many other partners and clients to get to that all important launch day...

To get their product launched, and the sales pouring in!

It all comes down to having a proven process to follow, a blueprint that works.

And taking those small actions, one day at a time.

How do you know what action to take?


He'll show you.

And he'll work with you, guiding you through every step, and keeping you on course for that Boom of sales!

It’ll seemingly happen “all at once.”

Remember, you don’t have to push a boulder.

Matt's made it much easier than that.

Go here for the program:

>>> Step-by-step personal help to get your first product launched!

Find out more

Kind regards,

John Merrick & Matt Garrett [previously]

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