Subject: Full Disclosure re New RSI Ranking Technology + Training


So full disclosure...

There's 10 WordPress Blogs in the RSS System

Which is basically the front end of the system

The Blogger and Tumblr blogs RSS feeds are posted to a random number of these WordPress blogs

And the contents of these RSS feeds are turned into actual blog posts on these WordPress Blogs

Now the relevant 'full disclosure' bit.

Each of these 10 WP blogs are connected Via IFTTT to:

 - 10X Twitter accounts

 - 10X Tumblr accounts

 - 10X Blogger blogs

meaning each new post this Wordpress site gets from the new Blogger and Tumblr you created in the software is then re-distributed across the 10 twitters, bloggers and tumblrs...

This is just the beginning 

This system now is working incredibly well, the results it's getting will blow you away...

and now you can see it all in action, just Register for the Webinar tonight -

We're going live at 8:30pm EST

which is 1:30am BST for the UK

or 10:30am for anyone in Oz [AEST]

Pete's also giving his full Video Serp Shifter Course just for registering - this is Valued @ $297.00 USD

Click the link NOW:

Find Out MORE

Kind regards,

John Merrick & Matt Garrett +

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