Subject: Free Video Traffic app

Vertical Video Traffic


here's your simple plan for oodles of free traffic -

Discount Coupon: CRUSH2023

Quick Summary:

#1: record a special style of short video less than 60 seconds long showing your site, sales page, squeeze page, webinar signup form, affiliate product, pick any site or page on the Internet that you want to put directly in front of people

#2: Upload them to YouTube Shorts, TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook as reels, using a description with keywords and add hashtags

#3: Even if you have zero following the algorithm will show your video to people already watching videos about those things

they do so to keep people on their platforms longer by showing people more of the topic they want to see.

Create as many of these videos as you want on your desktop or laptop.

No dealing with your smartphone.

You don't have to show your face....

You sit on your butt making videos about your site and the stuff you are promoting.

It's literally that simple

Anyone can do this, these videos are easy to create once you know how.

And there's complete step-by-step training included -

Find out more

Kind regards,

John Merrick & Matt Garrett [previously]

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