Subject: FAQ: Survey App + is it for you?


I've had quite a few emails in response to yesterday's email about ResponseSuite, so here’s an overview to help you decide if it’s for you...

Note #1: Yes, I like this one so much I've already picked up a copy for myself!

What’s ResponseSuite all about?

The platform leverages survey marketing in several unique ways to let you add 
qualified leads to your business. 

Note #2: surveys are one of the most engaging forms of content online, BuzzSumo reports that 82% of people who see a quiz in their social feed will try it.

How Does It Work?

The platform lets you quickly create compelling surveys that engage prospects and convert them into leads.

You can use these surveys in a bunch of different ways:
  • post on ANY of your sites, blogs or eCom stores
  • run them as paid ads
  • send them in emails
in other words you can convert traffic from MULTIPLE sources into quality leads.

It uses ‘smart redirect technology’ so you can show new subscribers custom offers based on their EXACT survey answers. 

Meaning you can literally monetize new leads the moment they sign up.

Then, it lets you segment each new lead onto targeted lists, so you increase long term profits by promoting ideal offers to the right people at the right time.

Plus, it lets you re-engage existing subscribers with surveys, helping restore profits from subscribers that have stopped acting on your messages.

What Makes ResponseSuite Different?

The entire platform is cloud-based on premium Amazon servers, so it’s lightning quick and incredibly secure

Smart redirect technology, automated list segmentation and integration with ANY autoresponder make it a versatile solution for marketers in any niche.

The creators are 2 top level marketers who use the platform daily in their own business, and continue to update the software. 

All customers benefit from ongoing updates plus premium, UK-based support.

One-time pricing (during launch only, i.e. the next couple of days only) is MUCH less than you’d pay for tools that charge monthly and don’t offer nearly as much.

Is it for you?

That’s a question only you can answer, but if lead generation is any part of your business model, this is something you’ve got to take a close look at to make an informed decision.
Soren Jordansen & John Merrick
The IM Wealth Builders

25 Asprou Potamou Villa 6, 8560, Peyia, Cyprus
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