Subject: Don’t pay for lead gen ads (better way)


If there is one thing businesses can’t survive without, it’s a source of qualified leads!

But collecting leads through ads is expensive, and 'iffy'...

All too often you end up with fake (aka: worthless) email addresses

And that means you’ll blow through stacks of cash on lead gen with little to show for it

What if there was a better, faster, easier and much cheaper way to score almost unlimited leads for your business?

Now this might seem like it’s a fairy tale, but it’s not...

The secret to effective and economical lead generation is referral marketing -

Here’s how it works:

In order to receive your lead gen gift, a new subscriber must refer their friends to your offer

If enough of their friends sign up, the original subscriber receives the gift

The beauty of referral marketing is that you can put your own spin on it with sweepstakes, milestone campaigns, viral newsletters, pre launch waiting lists and more

Referral marketing IS super effective, but here’s the rub -

The technical aspects of pulling off one of these campaigns isn’t always easy...

But there's a software tool that makes pulling off a referral marketing campaign easy, because it includes both graphic and email templates

And I’ve scored a $1 trial for you to test it out and see if it makes sense for your business.

One beta tester netted 16,000+ subscribers - in just four days!

Click the link now -

Find out more

Kind regards,

John Merrick & Matt Garrett [previously]

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