Subject: Do Not Get Sued! ADA now applies to ALL Websites


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ADA stands for Americans With Disability Act and it is part of the WCAG (Web Accessibility Guidelines)

Note: This applies internationally - meaning it applies to ANY Website WORLD-WIDE!

In simple terms, if your or your client’s Website is not accessible for people with disabilities, you can be sued today...

The first lawsuit is on average for $50,000 and if you don’t act right away, the follow-up lawsuit is for $150,000.

This is all over the news - New York Times, CNN, CBS and many more News Outlets are reporting on the thousands of ADA Website Lawsuits that are happening

This APP not only fixes this, it helps you find clients who need this service -

so can sell this unique service to businesses!

Quick Summary:

 - Lead Gen App: find Businesses & Websites that are not yet ADA Compliant

 - Website Analysis Report: analyze ANY website to see how it fails to comply

 - PDF Reporting Feature: turn the website analysis into a client report

This report sells ADA Services for you & incorporates your clients website analysis, so they’ll see right away why they need help with ADA immediately...

just send this report to your prospect via email and you never have to talk to anyone in person!

Click the link Now:

Find out more

Kind regards,

John Merrick & Matt Garrett [previously]

How To Get In Touch:

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