Subject: Discount Coupon & Webinar Replay & My Bonus...


last nights webinar got an amazing response, THANK YOU from Pete and myself to everyone who was able to attend live!

in fact it's the first webinar I've been on in a long time where EVERYONE stayed right to the end...

BUT we know it was pretty late for many people, so we recorded it and have now put the replay up, you can watch it here -

IMPORTANT: There's a discount coupon that it only available for the next 48 hours...

Use "MattG20" to get 20% Off

My Bonus - I'm using RSI myself, and once I've got everything setup (I'll be using a VPS rather than running it locally on my PC) I'm going to run two or three case studies for using it in different ways, specifically -

 - Using RSI to create a Rank & Rent property

 - Using RSI for a Local Business

 - Using RSI for a Niche Blog

I may also run one for a purely affiliate site as well.

Note: I will be sharing what I do, how, and the results - BUT I WON'T be sharing the actual website URL/Domain name, as these will be live projects of my own.

Grab your copy of RSI using the link above or below and let me know when you have and I'll make sure you get these case studies as I make them available.

Watch the replay here -

Find Out MORE

Kind regards,

John Merrick & Matt Garrett +

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