Subject: Create High Converting Deals Pages for Clients

Use Groupons Model To Get Clients


become a deals page superhero for local biz owners and earn passive monthly income -

Business have been struggling through these trying times and there is a gap in the market that you can exploit...

This is Evergreen and will stand the test of times but they need it NOW more than EVER!!

This new push button software could be the easiest and most profitable thing you’ll ever offer to local biz owners...

97% of biz owners are desperately running deals and discounts to bounce back from the 2020 nightmare.

But they’re still getting SCREWED!

The mainstream coupon sites are only there for themselves and the big stores.

So how does that help you?

this new app gives you the perfect solution to their problem...

Now you can instantly create deals pages that helps local businesses sell like crazy…

Quick Summary:

 - Create up to 100 deals pages for local businesses in any town, city or state

 - Lease hundreds of deals page sites and collect a sweet passive income every single month

 - 20 ready-made deals page templates

 - Add countdown timers, quantity boxes and embed video

 - Thank you pages that upsell, get your deals shared and more

 - Built-in social sharing brings FREE customers

 - Ready-to-go retargeting technology

 - 100% mobile-optimized designs

 - Powerful reporting and page manager backend

 - Profitable service that clients will pay you for TODAY

 - Start creating pages and collecting cash in minutes

 - No hosting or hidden costs, ever

 - Plus $1000’s in client-getting tools, yours free

they’ll be thanking you for saving them thousands per year on crippling commissions from other coupon sites...

Click the link to watch the demo now:

Find out more

Kind regards,

John Merrick & Matt Garrett [previously]

How To Get In Touch:

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