Subject: Covering the Basics V1 - Your First list


email marketing is one of the basics of online marketing

Here's an over the shoulder guide to getting up and running from scratch with your first list -

Quick Summary:

 - A Complete List Building Guide

 - Step-By-Step Training

 - Super Simple to Follow

 - Get Results Almost immediately

 - For Beginners & Struggling Marketers

 - Build a Buyers List With no Product!

 - Great For Affiliates

 - Top Notch Support

 - Build a List In Any Niche

 - Your Own Product To Sell

 - PLR Article mini-pack

This course is aimed at beginners or struggling marketers who, for whatever reason, are not properly building a list yet...

if that's you then this is the quickest and easiest way to build a list and how to create simple opt-in pages that convert.

NOTE: inc. ways for people in lesser known niches to find places to build their lists

Once this traffic source has been mastered they can graduate to better sources.

These sources are also covered in full in a pdf that includes full PLR rights!

click the link now: 

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Kind regards,

John Merrick & Matt Garrett +

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