Subject: Closing Tonight: 2,000 4K Royalty-Free Stock Videos For Under $30


Note: This offer ends @ midnight tonight!

I need you to read this quickly and take action, because this is NOT going to last long.

Straight to the point, if you know Stockocity, you know they have top quality high definition stock video for a low price.

But they’ve raised the bar with 4K.

If you don’t know what 4K means:
  • HD (high definition) video is 1280 pixels wide by 720 tall
  • FHD (full HD) video is 1920x1080
  • 4K or UHD (ultra HD) video is an incredible 3840x2160
That means awesome crystal clear detail, especially if you reduce it down to FHD or HD size.

Stock video sites like ShutterStock charge $79 to $499 for a single 4K stock video that you can use only one time in one project.

Stockocity, on the other hand, is going to give you 2,000 (yes, TWO THOUSAND) 4K stock videos for less than the cost of one dinner out. 

And you can use them as many times as you like.

With their Developer option, you can even use them in your client work. 

Imagine approaching clients with professional quality video work that you can charge top dollar for!

These are not “Creative Commons” or public domain videos - These are 100% fully licensed royalty-free videos

Each video file has many keywords and keyphrases in the filename, so you can easily search for the exact video you need.

And no monthly membership payments to make, no further license payments.

Just a one-time purchase and you’ve got them all.

Hit the button below to lock in the collection now:
The IM Wealth Builders Team

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