Subject: Beginner Friendly Site Builder for 150 Conutries


here's a new WordPress plugin that builds 100% automated sites using Reddit as a source of auto-generated content

The built-in Text Spinner Support lets you create readable grammatically-correct articles that rank high in Google and other search engines.

with 2.6 million 'SubReddits' (topics) to pull from there's no shortage of content, just pick a keyword, enter your affiliate links and let it run!

you can also set it to automatically add fresh content to your site as often as you like: from once every 24 hours to EVERY 5 MINUTES!

+ 150 Languages - automatically translate your new content to 150 languages and enjoy free traffic from around the world...

+ Works With ANY THEME + includes built in theme to get started

click the link to take a look now:

Find out more

Kind regards,

John Merrick & Matt Garrett [previously]

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