Subject: Automated News Content Affiliate Site Builder...


automated niche sites can be perpetual income machines that pull in commissions for you for months and years to come...

Google loves, indexes and ranks fresh content, which is why these Niche News sites work

BUT - it's not a case of clicking a button and it's done, you will need to invest a bit of your time to get a site like this up and running...

you'll need to commit to:

 - 15 mins to decide the niche

 - 15 mins to set up the fresh News website

 - 10 mins to set up viral traffic automation system

Invest the time to build one a day and by the end of the month you can have a MASSIVE auto news site network pulling in commissions for you!

if each one just pulls in 1 x $10 commission each day, by the end of the month you can be earning six figures a year...

there is training to cover all of this, although the software is designed so well that if you've built a site before you may not need to go through all the training! :-D

the monetization is built in, working with JVZ, W+, CB, or even allowing you to add your own EComm store

If you're looking for some hands free income sources then check this out now:

Find out more

Kind regards,

John Merrick & Matt Garrett [previously]

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