Subject: Automate & personalize your lead gen...


Important - we've got a 50% discount coupon for this, but it expires tonight!

List building can be a bit of a hassle...

Generally you need to string together multiple moving parts and even services to make it work!

You need a lead magnet, an optin form, and professional looking optin form/page

You may also need an aspirin, because doing this over and over every week or so is going to give you a big headache

So imagine for a moment if you had a tool that built a big, highly responsive list for you on autopilot...

That's right, you don’t need to fuss with creating lead magnets.

You don't need to worry about fancy lead pages or creating forms

Sounds good, right?

And here's where it gets good: this tool already exists -

this WordPress plugin automatically turns all your blog post into beautifully formatted PDFs, and then it offers these lead magnets to your readers in exchange for their email address

it doesn't get simpler than that!

the plugin turns a complicated, time-consuming process into a super-easy, passive way to build a big mailing list...

No more creating lead magnets

No more fiddling with formatting or lead pages

it's all taken care of for you on autopilot

Quick Summary:

 - Turn all your pages & posts into pdf lead magnets

 - Generates beautiful lead-capture forms

 - Delivers your lead magnet

 - Tracks activity so you can gauge performance

This is the easiest way to build your mailing list!

NOTE: I also have a 50% discount coupon setup for you - "AUG50"

*Expires Tonight*

Click the link to see it in action now:

Find out more

Kind regards,

John Merrick & Matt Garrett [previously]

How To Get In Touch:

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