Subject: 3 Steps to get local clients coming to you...


Google have given us a massive opportunity to provide an essential service to local businesses -

it's a service any local business with a website needs...

it also doesn't cost you anything to provide this service...

whilst it has massive value to your clients!

and better yet, it's REALLY simple to find clients...

Step #1: check local business sites to see if they have this in place, most won't

Step #2: grab a screen shot to show them the problem

Step #3: send them the screen shot and offer to fix it for them

+include a link to an order/payment page (e.g.

then you just wait for the orders to come in...

Note: you could also easily outsource the setup process so you get someone else to do it for you!

Click to learn more now:

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Kind regards,

John Merrick & Matt Garrett [previously]

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