Subject: 3 Quick Ways to Get More Leads...


want more leads?

Try this: -

1. Make It Relevant - visitors have come to your site looking for something specific so when you offer them a reason to optin to your list it should match that as closely as possible, not just be some random generic lead magnet

2. Add Value - why just offer them one lead magnet? adding a couple of related lead magnets will give you a bog boost in conversions and make your leads even happier!

3. Remind Them As They Leave - you may not like "Exit Pops", but they do the job amazingly well, I've seen boosts of over 35% in optins from adding exit pops!

That's a LOT of extra leads...

I know you're probably agreeing with these tips but are worried about how much time and effort it would take to put all this in place, right?

That's exactly why I found I way of automating the whole process for my own business -

and I got the guys behind this to setup a 50% discount coupon for you - "AUG50"

NOTE: this coupon only last for 48 hours!

Now you can automatically turn all of your blog posts into pdf lead magnets, and then offer these to your visitors!

it's passive list building made simple!

Click the link to see it in action now:

Find out more

Kind regards,

John Merrick & Matt Garrett [previously]

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