Subject: 150 free clicks x15 every day...


SEO isn't the only way you can get free traffic and leads...

this new app let's get as many as 150+ clicks from simple free (once you've invested in the app) to run ads -

it take just 60 seconds to submit you ad

it can be up to 110 characters, and for any offer you want

the ads run on their ad network and you can do this 15 times a day

now that does sound like free traffic, you just need to experiment with different offers to see what works best, and as you can scheduled 15 ads every day that's going to be pretty easy to get done!

I just picked up a copy for myself and will be playing with this over the weekend...

I recommend doing the same while it's still just $17, the price is going up every hour!

click the link:

Find out more

Kind regards,

John Merrick & Matt Garrett [previously]

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