Subject: 1-to-1 = 1 Spot Left


Matt's got one last place in his product creation and launch mentoring program...

here's a quick recap/reminder from Matt:

What's Included?

1. Direct Contact Directly With Matt

2. Initial 30 Minute Consultation To Set The Foundations & Action Plan

3. Ongoing 30 Minute Skype Meetings Every Week

4. Monthly Group Q&A Webinar

This is the ONLY coaching/mentoring offer I run with direct access to me personally, and as such places are VERY LIMITED

What's Covered?

This is not a pre-packaged set of "coaching" videos, it's one-to-one mentoring that will be tailored for your specific needs!

Having said that, here's a run down of what you're likely to go through:

1. Where Are You Now - help me get to know you and understand what you already have in place

2. Defining Purpose - identifying your 'Purpose' helps both to keep on track, and to reach your goal more quickly!

3. The Action Plan - breaking the overall big picture down in to simple, step by step actions that are easy to achieve

4. Getting It Done - having simple systems and automation in place wherever possible takes the heavy lifting out of the whole process.

*aka I'm actually lazy, I always look for the easy way to get THE BEST results

5. Accountability - life throw all sorts of crap at us, I'll help keep you on target!

6. Stumbling Blocks - problems are part of business as well as life, I'll be there to work out how you can get through it, around it, or over it!

7. Getting It Out There - I'll help to make sure you start making money as soon as possible by getting your product out there for sale

8. Lifeblood & Growth - planning & executing different models for finding ongoing fresh leads that are scalable

9. Leveling Up - ways to expand your reach and value to move up the income ladder, based on what works for you

10. Making It All Worth While - plans, habits & systems to help you continue personal & business growth & find your work/life 'balance'

NOTE - There is now ONLY 1 place remaining, once it's gone the offer will be closed.

Act Now - Click the link to see if there's still a place for you:

Find out more

Kind regards,

John Merrick & Matt Garrett [previously]

How To Get In Touch:

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