Subject: 🧰 Using AI to create products FAST...

Using AI for Product Creation

Using AI for Product Creation


Product creation doesn't need to be a slog anymore -

Quick Summary:

 - Discover the revolutionary 10×10 matrix method, adaptable to any format, turning vague ideas into structured masterpieces

 - Learn to merge traditional writing techniques with cutting-edge AI technology like ChatGPT

 - Gain exclusive insights from a detailed case study, showcasing the creation of a 17,000-word eBook using AI

 - The techniques can be used to create any kind of content, for example eBooks, lead magnets, scripts for videos, podcasts, webinars, you name it

Whether you’re looking to enhance your eBook, report, or script-writing process, this guide is packed with insights that can take your work to the next level...

Click the link Now to take a look:

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Kind regards,

John Merrick & Matt Garrett +

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