Subject: 🧰 Old Content Renewed, Translated & Localized...

Old Content Made NEW

Content Translated For Locals


Note: Last Call - Price Rise TOMORROW

so I've been telling you about my amazing new content re-writing software NeuraRephraser...

well now we've added a content "NuanceRephraser" with the new Content Nuance Translator addon -

they had requests from new members for the ability to generate content in different languages...

we not only listened, we took action!

we locked The PromptMeister General in the cellar and told him not to come out until he had it sorted! :-D

It took him a few days, but it's done...

we are releasing their Cultural Nuance Translator PAID addon after this launch has ended...

BUT everyone who grabs a copy during the launch gets it FREE!

Short version - the new addon translates text while preserving the original intent and adapting to the linguistic and cultural norms of the target language, with 25 languages covered!

So now you can take any of your old content and turn it in to fresh, unique new content in 25 different languages...

that's on top of the existing 11 different content re-writing tools included that let you crank out fresh content in around 10 seconds or less!

Click the link to get started now:

Find Out MORE

Kind regards,

John Merrick & Matt Garrett +

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