Subject: 🧰 Local Biz - Sell YT Shorts Services...

Reselling YT Shorts


YouTube Shorts aren't going anywhere which makes this the perfect evergreen product to offer, either as a digital product OR as a high value service -

Quick Summary:

 - Getting Started with YouTube Shorts: complete, newbie friendly step-by-step guide on how to create and start a YouTube Channel

 - YouTube Shorts Best Practices and Playbook: Unlock the secrets to YouTube Shorts success

 - YouTube Shorts Creation Checklist: actionable strategies that cut through the noise

 - 30 YouTube Shorts Ideas to Boost Your Brand

 - YouTube Shorts: 20-Day Action Plan

 - Social Posting Kit: Content and Images to help you sell this PLR pack

 - YouTube Shorts Services and Fulfillment Roadmap: how to fulfill this as a marketing service for bigger commissions

 - High Converting Sales Page Copy

This has just been released today and is on an early bird special right now:

Find Out MORE

Kind regards,

John Merrick & Matt Garrett +

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