Subject: 👀 Here's what that AI Stuff does best...

Sales Copy Done For You


unless you've spent years training on how to get it right, it's just about the scariest thing to have to do...

yes, I'm talking about writing sales copy!

a product launch can live or die just on it's sales page...

get it wrong and whatever time, effort and expense you've sunk in to your new creation has all gone to waste!

Not any more -

there is actually a process to creating a salespage that SELLS

which means if you know what that is, then all you need to do is ask the right questions...

and that's where the fancy new AI stuff steps in - combine those answers and the right prompts in an AI tool and it will spit out copy that actually sells!

So this is your complete video training on 'How to Create Winning Sales Letters with ChatGPT'

And the Toolkit to go with it -

Copywriting Automation Toolkit Quick Summary:

 - Sales Letter Questionnaire with 25 research prompts

 - Customer Avatar creation software

 - Message to Market Match branding software

 - Stories that Persuade creation software

 - World's 100 Greatest Headlines generation software

 - Sales Letter Generator

 - Keyword Analysis Tool and Content Plan Creator

 - Hub and Spoke SEO Traffic Visualizer

 - NAMS Tweet Composer and Automation software

you also get the ChatGPT Resource Guide with access to more than a dozen groups to get 1000s of content creation prompts

and the Facebook group to answer questions and help you get more out of these tools

In Other Words - you never have to hire a copywriter or wrack your brains to create your own sales page ever again! :-D

OR use this to create Sales Copy for YOUR CLIENTS!

Best of all - you get all this for UNDER $10

Click the link now:

Find out more

Kind regards,

John Merrick & Matt Garrett [previously]

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