Subject: 🧰 Google Made Ads Easy...

Google Cheat Code


💾 Google have a cheat code to help you get more leads & customers -

Let's face it, if you know how to tap in to Google for leads then you're never going to run out of customers...

There are over 8.5 billion Google searches made each day and 98% of online purchases start with a Google search...

BUT, and it's a BIG 'but' - it's very expensive and competitive now to either use SEO or Google search ads to be seen, especially if you are new to the game!

so why are most people are ignoring the world’s second largest search engine..?

You probably don’t even realize what it is, because its not what you think.

Ryan Shaw has been using it to deliver over 📊 $120 million in sales since 2016 and now he’s sharing how he’s mixed in AI with this blue ocean strategy!

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Kind regards,

John Merrick & Matt Garrett +

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