Subject: 🧰 Get More Traffic To Your Offers With My LEVERAGE...



NOTE: this is from some close friends, who've spent the last few months developing it with to use in their own businesses...

today they are letting a few quick action takers join in using their new AI content 'traffic lever' -

nowadays traffic is everywhere

the problem is turning it into YOUR traffic...

to get that traffic to your offers you need more content, LOTS more content!

have you got the content to capture it all?

between social media, video, your own sites and emails it's just way too much content for one person to create without it turning into a full time job!

and getting it all outsourced..?

that's likely to cost your $400+ per campaign for just entry level content

and remember, that is PER Campaign, so run a couple of campaigns a month and you're looking at a content bill of $3k+ per month...

probably quite a bit more if you want high quality content!

Or, you could just use this new AI SaaS app designed to build out complete Affiliate Marketing Campaigns for you in minutes -

The guys behind this have with over 95 years experience marketing online, and 10's of millions in product and affiliate sales.

Module #1 Affiliate Dominator Summary:

 - 3 Emails follow up sequence

 - High Quality Blog Post, Article or Group Post

 - 2 Social Media Posts

 - 5 Tweets

 - Review Video Script

 - 3 Unique Bonus Blueprints

Note: This high quality content is all created to match your campaign "angle" to make sure your content works as a whole, all done by the AI.

Module #2: Social AI Hyperdrive is also included right now, with 10 modules in total in the pipeline...

Module #3: AI Videomancer is actually in testing right now

Modules #4 (AI Content Overdrive) & #5 (Sales Script Synth) are already being worked on.

as this is their own AI tool, they're not letting many people in

AND as a 'heads-up', this is not some cheap, bait & hook $47 front end offer with 5, 6 or 7 Upsells that make it eye wateringly expensive by the time you get everything you actually need.

This is a one time, one cost, get it ALL limited offer.

Take a look for yourself here:

Find out more

Kind regards,

John Merrick & Matt Garrett [previously]

How To Get In Touch:

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