Subject: 🧰 Endless HQ Content that Converts...

Cut Your Costs


NOTE: I developed this (with John Merrick, Simon Hodgkinson & Mark Lyford) for my own business.

We're letting a select few quick action takers get in as Founder Members -

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest, Quorra, LinkedIn...

these are all places with lots of traffic that you can tap into for 'Free', IF you have the content to do it!

But creating all that high quality, engaging content that builds authority and gives you your audience COSTS.

either your time (and LOTS of it), or cold, hard cash...

for a typical Affiliate Campaign you need:

 - your Email follow up sequence, that costs upwards of $169+ on Fiverr, more on Upwork

 - the Review Article, FB or Blog Post - 1,000 words will put you back at least $37, probably double that for top quality

 - Social Media Posts & Tweets, that's another $80+ for the set

 - Video Script for Youtube or Insta, these vary a lot, starting going from $60 as a minimum all the way up to $200+

 - Bonuses - you'll struggle to find anyone good at actually doing this, and when you do they won't be cheap, this is usually in to the hundreds...

total that lot up and you're looking at $400 to $500 per campaign as your baseline

knock out two campaigns a week and you're staring down the barrel of a $3,500+ monthly content bill...

OR you could grab this AI powered SaaS that will do all of that for you in about 5 minutes flat -

And that's just the "Module #1", Module #2 takes care of all your social media:

 - Hashtag Generator for Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Reddit, SnapChat, TikTok, Tumblr, Twitter or Youtube - 20 tags for any social media post in seconds!

 - Postmaster 3000 - get a 7 day campaign, with emojis and simple prompts to use to create the image in MJ or Bing, all in under a minute

 - Fasttrack Socializer - generate adhoc social media posts for any target niche or avatar in a dozen different Voices/Tones

 - Campaign Caster for creating a complete social marketing blueprint and plan to follow, for any platform, making it paint by the numbers simple to knock your campaign out of the park...

I'm not sure how much it would cost to get that lost done, but that monthly content bill is now easily north of $5k

That's $60,000+ a year on creating content! :-O

Based on doing it the 'old fashioned' way...

Or go watch the video to see the AI Alternative!

AND as a 'heads-up', this is not some cheap, bait & hook $47 front end offer with 5, 6 or 7 Upsells that make it eye wateringly expensive by the time you get everything you actually need...

This is a ONE TIME, ONE COST, get it ALL limited offer.

Watch the video and grab Founder Members access to all 10 Modules HERE:

Find out more

Kind regards,

John Merrick & Matt Garrett [previously]

How To Get In Touch:

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