Subject: 🧰 Are you scared of sounding like a sleazy sales person?

The Easiest Sale


Some people are born salespeople.

Most people absolutely detest selling.

Everyone likes being helpful.

At the core, your business should solve problems and get paid for doing it.

but do you know how to "help people" and make money?

get this right and you make sales without selling.

Creating content is a lot of work.

And most people stop doing it because they don't see the reward [money] from doing it.

That's because they're doing it wrong.

The primary goal of creating any content for your business should be generating revenue.

Learn how from a team who do this with incredible effect -

"How Free Content Leads To Profit - 20 Pro Checklists" walks you through the process of creating free products that converts to sales like crazy.

And this is not theory.

Jen and her team have used this tactic to generate hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Not long ago, they generated $52,000 in 3 weeks WITHOUT mailing to their list by giving away free products.

Discover exactly how to create and build your free products (content) by focusing on the 12 best converting types of content:

 - Infographics/Cheat Sheets

 - Worksheets

 - Templates

 - Checklist/Planner

 - Documents/Forms

 - Buyer’s Guide

 - Email Mini Course

 - Swipe Files/Tips

 - Contendeos

 - Mind Maps/Process Maps

 - Q/A Group Coaching

 - Article Library

AND they're showing you how to use it in 10 different niches!

This is a step-by-step approach to creating free products that lead to profit...

Plus you'll get a bonus live training next week on how to create free content and products using AI, including the best prompts to use!

Click the Link:

Find out more

Kind regards,

John Merrick & Matt Garrett [previously]

How To Get In Touch:

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