Subject: Funny Joke: If I Die Will You Marry Again?

[ 1Funny Newsletter for August 28th, 2023 ]

1. Funny Joke: If I Die Will You Marry Again?

2. 51 Funny Signs You Just Have to Share

3. Wandering Pup Stays On Couple’s Porch Until They Adopt Her Back

4. Roy Clark Medley Hits 1963


Old age makes us great multitaskers. 📃
Why, I can sneeze and pee at the same time! 😖

   Lost in the Sixties

‘Dancing On The Ceiling’ – An Old School Mash Up

Hilarious Song about Getting Old

Funniest Trains Moving Through Snow Compilation

The Scientific Reason Your Wife Is Always Right – Don McMillan

Movie stars dancing to…’I’m So Excited!’

[ 🎮 GAMES ]

Keep your mind sharp and have fun doing it!

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