Subject: Funny Joke: 🚨 Amish Ticket

[ 1Funny Newsletter for February 1st, 2023 ]

1. Funny Joke: 🚨 Amish Ticket

2. Threatening Signs That Are Straight To The Point

3. Angry Man Gets Instant Karma

4. FaaMai and ThongAe rival for Mother Lek’s Attention


This graveyard looks overcrowded. 🪦🪦🪦
People must be dying to get in. 💀

   Roadside America Museum

Movie stars dancing to…’I’m So Excited!’

‘Dancing On The Ceiling’ – An Old School Mash Up

Hilarious Song about Getting Old

Sunset Acres Village

Amazing Heartwarming Magic

[ 🎮 GAMES ]

Keep your mind sharp and have fun doing it!

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