Probably like yourself, we experienced periods of uncertainty and also feelings of overwhelm and frustration in the last year.
And even though 2021 started pretty much the way 2020 ended, the awareness we're speaking about ( in the video above) has given us a much more calm and loving perspective, on ourselves and the world. Every day, it helps us to recognize much more quickly when we're falling for the idea that something "out there" is the source of our experience. And as we fall back into presence, we see our wisdom.
This understanding truly has the potential to eliminate the majority of drama from your life. And it can lead you at a rapid pace toward the solutions you're looking for if solutions are really needed.
That's exactly our hope for you. So simply sit back, relax and listen for something new.
So much love, Lea & Shailia
What have you been experiencing this week? We'd really love to hear from you. Write us an e-mail and let us know: